
Here's some information to help you feel more at home at St. John's
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Map of Cathedral

Worship Locations

1. High Altar

2. Nave Altar

3. Pews and Wheelchair Seating

4. Baptistry

6. Lady Chapel


5. Main Entrances (Stairs)

7. Accessible Entrance (Automatic door with ramp outside)

8. Elevator to basement/washrooms


9. Stairs to Washrooms (follow signs)

10. Children's Transept



Red Heart shows location of:

a) AED

b) First Aid Kit


Accessible Entrance

  • The accessible entrance is located up the exterior ramp  on the North East side of the Cathedral. You may park on the Cathedral side of  the lane near the ramp. 
  • The Entrance is located inside the Lady Chapel. (#7 on map)
  • The elevator is to the left of the Lady Chapel entrance. (#8 on map) This will take you to the basement where the Washrooms and Columbarium are located. If you need assistance operating the elevator, ask a sidesperson (usually seated at the back of the Cathedral during a service).
  • Accessible seating is located in the middle of the pews. On either side of the aisle, a pew has been removed to provide space to accommodate wheelchairs. Black folding chairs are placed nearby for a spouse or caretaker to sit.
  • Alternatively, you may choose to place your wheelchair in the aisle, and your spouse or caretaker may sit in a pew beside you, or you may use the front row of pews on the left side, as is your preference.

Note of Caution

  • Please ensure that personal items and valuables be attended to at all times during the service, especially during Communion when parishioners leave their seats to go to the front of the Cathedral. If you have any concerns during service, please speak to the Sidespersons on duty.

Children and Infants

  • Parents of small children and infants are encouraged to freely use the Children's Transept (#10 on map)
  • This area has a play yard, high-chair for snacks, soft toys, colouring pages and crayons, and is paved with foam blocks
  • Washrooms are accessed down the stairs through the door beneath the organ pipes
  • Folding change tables are located in both the Men's and Women's washrooms
  • Extra diapers (of various sizes) and wipes are available in the Children's Transept should you need them


  • Free Parking is available to the West of the Cathedral in the ImPark parking lot during most Cathedral-sponsored events and special services. 
  • Also note that performances or other non-Cathedral activities in the Cathedral or Hall do not generally have free parking
  • Please note that the parking across the lane North of the Cathedral belongs to Knox United and is not free during Cathedral services

Back Trouble or Difficulty Sitting

  • Feel free to stand, walk, or stretch during the service.
  • Black folding chairs are available at the back of the Cathedral for anyone who would like to use them as opposed to a pew.
  • These chairs will also be a gathering place for anyone who would like to be seated during the coffee-hour fellowship following service.


  • Communion is open to any baptized Christian, regardless of denomination
  • Communion is administered at the communion rail. The sidesperson will indicate when it is your pew's turn.
  • Proceed up the centre aisle, return to your pew along the side aisles
  • If you have mobility issues, the clergy can come to you to administer communion. Please advise a sidesperson if you wish to receive communion in the pews.
  • If you wish to receive a blessing only, cross your arms over your chest while at the communion rail
  • Gluten-free communion wafers are available upon request—please see the clergy at the communion rail