Welcome to St. John's Cathedral. We are a welcoming, diverse, multi-cultural congregation. We strive to bring God's love to the people of Saskatoon by seeing and listening to their needs, feeling with our hearts, and taking action to meet those needs by enacting the collective gifts we have been granted by the Holy Spirit.

This cathedral has stood for over 100 years, on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River, on Treaty Six Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. Generations of citizens of our great city have worshipped here.

Join us in this sacred space. Majestic architecture, traditional services and powerful organ and choir music provide unique forms of spiritual nourishment. Our traditional services combine with our forward-thinking mission of service to produce a congregation grounded in tradition, but focussed on inspiration, healing, and reconciliation. Worship with us---help us to build bridges in our community and truly be a Cathedral for the City.



Welcome to St. John's Cathedral. We are a welcoming, diverse, multi-cultural congregation. We strive to bring God's love to the people of Saskatoon by seeing and listening to their needs, feeling with our hearts, and taking action to meet those needs by enacting the collective gifts we have been granted by the Holy Spirit.

This cathedral has stood for over 100 years, on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River, on Treaty Six Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. Generations of citizens of our great city have worshipped here.

Join us in this sacred space. Majestic architecture, traditional services and powerful organ and choir music provide unique forms of spiritual nourishment. Our traditional services combine with our forward-thinking mission of service to produce a congregation grounded in tradition, but focussed on inspiration, healing, and reconciliation. Worship with us---help us to build bridges in our community and truly be a Cathedral for the City.

Staying Healthy

Face masks are available at the back of the church and in the parish hall. Masking is an option; please consider wearing one to protect yourself and others if you are feeling unwell or if you have been around someone recently diagnosed with a respiratory infection (including RSV or COVID).

Hand sanitizer is available at the entry to the church and in the pews.

We recommend praying with us via our online streaming if you or someone in your household is ill:


Upcoming Livestreams

Join us for the Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany, 09 Feb at 10:30 am:


Download the Order of Service Bulletin

Worship with Us


816 Spadina Cres E
Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H4


Sundays 8am and 10:30 am

Wednesdays 12:10 pm in the Lady Chapel

Our Mission

We at St. John's are a Christ-centered community.
We strive to be the heart, hands, mouth, ears and feet of Jesus Christ in our parish, the Diocese of Saskatoon, and the contemporary world through Worship, Education and Service

Our Mission

We at St. John's are a Christ-centered community.
We strive to be the heart, hands, mouth, ears and feet of Jesus Christ in our parish, the Diocese of Saskatoon, and the contemporary world through Worship, Education and Service

Featured Events

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Featured Event

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Holy Week Services

  • Monday, April 15th and Tuesday April 16th—7pm Holy Eucharist
  • Wednesday, April 17th—12:10pm Holy Eucharist
Maundy Thursday—April 18th
  • 7pm Service of Foot Washing, Holy Eucharist and the Stripping of the Altar
  • 9pm All-night Prayer Vigil Begins
Good Friday—April 19th
  • 9am Prayer Vigil Ends
  • 1pm The Celebration of the Lord's Passion Good Friday Liturgy
Holy Saturday—April 20th
  • 8pm The Great Vigil of Easter
  • Please bring bells to ring to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus
Easter Sunday—April 21st
  • 8am Holy Eucharist
  • 10:30am Holy Eucharist and Baptism with Choir and Sunday School

Contact the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

816 Spadina Crescent East,

Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H4

Phone: 306-242-5146

E-mail: stjohns@sasktel.net

Office Hours
The Cathedral offices are closed to the public at this time, but phone calls and email are monitored and responded to on a regular basis.

The office is located in the Cathedral Hall, to the West of the Cathedral on the South Side of the Parking Lot
Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Do you have news or an event you would like to share with our congregation?

Submit an announcementannouncements@stjohnscathedralsaskatoon.ca