Rebuilding St. John’s… our spiritual home for more than 100 years
It has been a challenge to match the financial resources with the needed work and by 2013 it was clear a pause was needed, having spent well over $1.5 million.
The project resumed in 2015 and Phase 2 encompassed work on the north gutters and the steeple. The Cathedral has a unique system of gutters, scuppers, downspouts and interior drains that must all be working efficiently to ensure there is no damage to the building from rain and melting snow. This had not been the case for many years and this phase began to address the long-standing issue of water ingress to the Cathedral. It left us reassured that the treatment proposed was an effective one for the remainder of the building.
If you are a member of our parish community you may already know that we will enter into a new phase of work for our spiritual home in 2021
Supporters like you have given generously and often to future restoration work in the past and so the parish has $290,000 in funding set aside. The Cathedral’s leadership team has also set aside matching funds of $250,000 for future work. The Columbarium as a member of our parish family has also committed to contributing $100,000 to the project. And finally an anonymous member of our parish has offered a gift of $100,000 to be matched by parish member contributions. We are delighted to share with you that this match has already been initiated with gifts totaling $37,000. With so many generous contributors, we are well on our way. But we need your help.
The Cathedral building immediately requires between $750,000 and $1 million of work in 2021:
- to replace the shingles and insulate the south nave and transept,
- to remove the small spire which needs to be rebuilt,
- and to reconstruct the roof over the baptistry.
The building also needs shingling and insulating for the north roof as funds are available. This work has become increasingly urgent as any further delay could result in roof failure and far more expensive repairs in the future. The price tag for all work to be completed is $2.6 million.
Your parish of St. John the Evangelist was founded in 1903 by ambitious, committed Christians who had come to this part of the world in search of better lives for themselves and their families. Our congregation and the wider community have pulled together repeatedly to leave a legacy for generations to come. We as members of this parish have been so fortunate to build on their hopes and dreams and we must not let them down.
We prayerfully ask, will you consider a gift to the Restoration Fund to help with this important investment in the future of our spiritual home? Thanks be to God!